Join Embellish as we sip on succulent wines, and enjoy scrumptious bites at the EXTINGUISH CANCER
wine tasting and auction!
Please join us for a South American wine tasting and silent auction,
benefiting the American Cancer Society at
Bomberos Café and Wine Bar
8801 N. Central Avenue, Suite #104
Phoenix, AZ 85020
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Raffle & Auction: 6:30PM
Entry Fee is $40 per person prior to September 15th.
$45 Before October 1st.
$50 at the Door
Don't miss this opportunity to bid on fantastic gift packages and prizes, sip on succulent wines, and enjoy scrumptious food while raising money for a cure. Get a savings on your entry fee if your check/envelope is post marked prior to 9/15.
RSVP to Embellish by email: and/or call us to purchase your tickets: (602) 738-1777 or (623) 680-2020. Checks can be made payable to
Extinguish Cancer and mailed to:
4727 E Bell Road, Suite #45
PMB #380 Phoenix, Arizona 85032-9339
Your tickets will be at "Will Call" the night of the event.
Visit for more details.
This will be an evening that is sure to turn up the heat!