Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Plan your wedding in one day???

Did your sweetie pop the question during the holidays? Sometimes the thought of facing the New Year with a wedding to plan can be a little overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. I remember back when my hubby proposed to me in 2002...where do you think I went first? The brial show of course! After attending, I was so energized and ready to plan my big day. There is nothing more exciting than walking into a giant convention center filled with buzzling (and "twitterpated") new brides-to-be...not to mention the host of helpful information and freebies you get!

If you did get something sparkly this Christmas, you are in luck because Arizona's biggest and best bridal show is just around the corner! On Saturday and Sunday, January 9th and 10th, join Embellish at the Arizona Bridal Fashion Debut's bridal show at the Phoenix Convention Center. (9am-3pm both days.)

Embellish is proud to be a preferred vendor during this exciting weekend. Get ready for some fun! Make sure to stop by and say hello!

Go to http://www.arizonabridalshow.com/ to purchase two-for-one tickets! (Hurry, this offer is for a limited time.)

Happy wedding planning,